Pax Configuration Variations

This topic describes some common variations for rooms and pax values when setting-up group bookings.

Children/Children Sharing

Costings for children can be different depending on the number of Adults and Children in the room and what the room type is.  For this reason there are two types of child cost:

  1. Children

    This where the child is free (or a nominal charge) if sharing the room with adults (and generally using existing bedding). Any charge for a child will have been entered in the Product Database as a ‘Child Supplement’. 2 Adults and 1 Child in a Twin room would trigger this type of charge.

  2. Children Sharing

    This is where the child is technically occupying an adult space in the room, and the room cost is shared between the adult and the child. 1 Adult and 1 Child in a Twin room is an example of a Child Share.

When there are Children/Children Sharing in Groups, the type of pax (Adults, Children, Children Sharing) and type of Room have to be manually entered.

The rule regarding Children in 1. Children above applies only to Accommodation services. For Non-Accommodation services (Sightseeing, Transport etc.) Children and Children Sharing are treated in the same manner.

Tourplan NX will not allow the Pax Configuration screen to be saved if incorrect configuration detail is entered.

Pax configuration - add children

  1. Make sure the pax configurations screen is displayed (see Set Pax Configurations).
  2. If you are done with pax configurations, continue to Adjust Booking Details, otherwise, return to Set Pax Configurations.


  • Adding more than 1 child to a room type column in no way infers how many children are in any given room, or which rooms the children are in. If there were 2 children in the Twin Room column, it could mean that 1 of the adult twin rooms has 2 children in it, or it could mean that 2 of the adult twin rooms have 1 child each.
  • Since, in this example, children are paying (where applicable) the "Child Supplement" (or no) cost, neither the Room Count, Room Configuration, nor the Total Pax paying quantity has changed.
  • The correct number of Pax and Pax types (Adults, Children, Guides, Escorts and Drivers) will be output correctly on all documentation.

Pax configuration - add child sharing

  1. Make sure the pax configurations screen is displayed (see Set Pax Configurations).
  2. If you are done with pax configurations, continue to Adjust Booking Details, otherwise, return to Set Pax Configurations.
  • When Children Sharing are added, the Total Room row for Twin and Double rooms will adjust. Taking the Twin Room column as an example, Tourplan NX will calculate that, to fit 12 Adults and 1 Child into Twin Rooms, 6.5 rooms will be required (the Total Rooms fields cannot be edited). The actual Pax will change to 11 adults and 1 child in twin rooms (and 15 adults and 1 child in double rooms), so the Pax row can be edited to 11 pax (Twin Room column) and 15 pax (Double Room column) to reflect the actual numbers.
  • After the Pax row has been adjusted, the Total Rooms row will automatically adjust to 6 Twin and 8 Double and the number of pax is correct.

Escorts Sharing Room with Paying Pax

In the situation where an escort is sharing a room with a paying passenger, the pax and room quantities can again be adjusted to reflect the actual configuration.

This functionality only applies to Twin and Double room types.

Pax configuration - escorts sharing room wth paying pax

  1. Make sure the pax configuration screen is displayed (see Set Pax Configurations).
  2. If you are done with pax configurations, continue to Adjust Booking Details, otherwise, return to Set Pax Configurations.